Saturday, October 13, 2012


Great Show on Christian Dating

God's Will for Your Life

God's Will for Your Life 100% Gauranteed
From the time you enter Kindergarten you start to get asked a certain question:  What do you want to be when you grow up, Recently Dakota let us know he wanted to be a Cowboy preacher Policeman , that should be interesting , and quite time consuming.  Even though the question is fair and folks mean well when they ask it , the true question should be-"What does the Lord want me to be"?   The quicker you realize God has a plan for your life the better off you will be and you will start to make better choices in every area of your life,  Right now let's cover the basics -3 things that are 100% guaranteed to be God's will for (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) 'S Life.

Monday, October 1, 2012

9/30 SS lesson

Everyday Things God takes Seriously
Ever heard the expression “Life is a marathon , not a sprint” ? This is very true, your life is made up of seconds, minutes , hours , days – individual units of time , and God is interested in what we do with that time.
What Things about our life is God Concerned with:

Inspiration for the Teen Christmas Program

Great show for teens